Art 1 portfolio

1.  This project was personally my favorite.  I learned a lot from this from new painting methods to learning how to paint things accurately.  This was successful because we learned as we moved into each step of painting.  I personally like to paint and think it is really valuable.  The hardest part was the trees because they had a lot of details you need to add.  The fun part of this project was getting to do whatever we wanted.  I would recommend this project to do in the future.  I believe this project was a big success.

2. I think everyone in the class learned a lot from doing this project.  We learned about graffiti and how its used every day.  This project is very similar to graffiti.  The only difference was we used stencils.  I learned how to make frames and how to cut out a stencil.  We could do any design we wanted and could use any spray paint color and we could even put multiple colors to add depth to it.  Also I learned a lot about my design as I went through the steps by being neat and working not fast to make mistakes.

 3. When we started this project I already knew a lot of how to draw things in 3D from visual composition in middle school.  We drew boxes and made items look 3D on paper using this method. Also I learned how to do this with shapes in geometry.  We used shapes like circles to make cones and spheres and squares to make prisms and pyramids.  We also used shading around the object to give it that 3D effect.  We learned this earlier in the semester. 
4. This project was a failure and was a waste of time.  We had no chance at making this because there were trees, vines, and bushes stuck into the fence.  Also some of the projects were involving getting up high to place cups which was a factor our group didn't have.  We didn't even come close to finishing and everyone gave up.  The very next day we started a new project which showed how bad this was.  If you ever try and do this project again make sure the class knows that this was a failure so they don't get upset if it doesn't work out.

5. This reflects me as an artist because it shows I can do a lot of things in art.  It shows my ability to paint and make figures which have improved over time.  Also this project is neater then others because I spent more time doing it.  Every project I am slowly improving and over time it will show.  It displays my liking for clay and painting.  Overall I really liked this project and learned how to mold clay to make objects and make them pop out at you.


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